“Swarms of luminous drones soon also in Genoa” so says Primocanale TV

GENOA – A swarm of luminous drones to compose writings and animations in the sky: here are the fireworks of the future, more ecological and with a thousand potentialities. If in China and Japan shows of this type are increasingly frequent, from the start of the Olympics in Tokyo to anniversaries, inaugurations and even messages to the population in major Chinese cities, soon Genoa will be able to make a leap ‘into the future’. The credit goes to a Genoese start-up, LuminousBees, one of the first in Italy to take its first steps in a sector that will be increasingly growing. “Thanks to a call from the municipality of Genoa on Smart Cities for which we were selected, we will make our debut as soon as possible at the Porto Antico,” explains Lorenzo Marcenaro administrative director of the startup and a former student at the University of Genoa.
“We are a Genovese startup that since 2018 has been developing systems to make shows with drones, that is, designing and building swarms of small drones each equipped with Rgb LEDs that allow the drones to be transformed into points of light. The idea is to build the entertainment and advertising of tomorrow, ecological fireworks with more expressive possibilities and also all the technology for the shows within events such as television programs or sports matches. There is great interest in this new expressive possibility, which is certainly more sustainable. Fireworks, in fact, can cause fires, scare and kill animals and release sulfur dioxide, heavy metals and perchlorates into the atmosphere.
“We used the whole underlying part of the drone, integrating high-brightness LEDs and at the same time we worked on all the control and programming software,” says Giorgio Rinolfi, creative director startup Luminous Bees and PhD student at the University of Genoa. “A system on the ground called the Control Ground Station specifically for aerial choreography, takes care of giving all the specific trajectories and missions for each drone and allows a limited group to completely control the execution in total safety, in case of malfunctions. So even if the connection fails at any time and they can completely independently conclude the entire mission.”
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